Accelerate your Flow Mastermind 

A Mastermind for female entrepreneurs and leaders who feel like they lack powerful tools for raising their energy and building their mental strength, so that they can perform at their best!

00 Hours

“Everyone has an unstoppable FIRE”

"Accelerate Your Flow" is an exclusive inner journey that I offer to female leaders and entrepreneurs who want to manage their stress, stop constantly questioning their latest delivery, and instead create the best conditions for a high quality of life, feel satisfaction, and be in FLOW more often.

I Accelerate your Flow Mastermind , we go through 4 focus areas:

■  Direction
■  Mindset
■  Rituals
■  Selfcare



We identify the things that are truly important to you and compare them to how you actually spend your time. We look at the values that guide you (like an ethical GPS) towards where you want to go, in the direction that gives you meaning.


Upgrade your mindset and build mental muscles. In this module, you become aware of your limitations, what is holding you back, and what you can do to create a winning attitude where you thrive! If you wonder how to be in FLOW more often - here is your answer.


We go through the difference between habits and rituals. You will learn to create powerful and effective habits that support your vision and take you to new levels both at work and in private life. With your newfound insights about yourself, the environment becomes a friendlier place to operate in.


Everything is interconnected - body, mind, and soul. How you take care of and prioritize yourself will be crucial for your well-being. In this module, you will get my best methods for feeling joy, pride, and being satisfied with who you are.

Here's how the program works:

12 weeks online
90 minutes live sessions, 16-17:30
Group of 6 personer
Hot Seat
Workbook with tasks to implement  

The "Accelerate Your Flow" Mastermind is a structured program that consists of four modules: Direction, Mindset, Rituals, and Self-care.

Each module focuses on a specific area of personal and professional growth, and is designed to help you gain clarity, develop new skills, and build a strong foundation for success.

The program is delivered through a combination of group coaching sessions, one-on-one coaching calls, and online resources, including worksheets, videos, and exercises.

During the group coaching sessions, you will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women who are also on a journey of personal and professional growth.

Throughout the program, you will work closely with me as your coach to set goals, develop strategies, and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back.

You will also receive ongoing support and accountability to help you stay on track and achieve your desired outcomes.

By the end of the program, you will have gained a deeper understanding of yourself, developed new skills, and be well on your way to achieving your goals and living a life in FLOW.


New dates coming up!

 Accelerate Your Flow Mastermind

Our Mastermind sessions are forward-looking, and the topics raised by the members result in more than just discussions - this is an opportunity to help members formulate very clear goals, identify action plans, and support them in creating lasting change and growth for themselves and their businesses. 

It's a bit like getting a personal coach in a group format.  You will feel more confident about what you want in life and more confident that you can get what you want. Everyone's vision of a fantastic life looks different, but we travel together and support each other along the way. 

To be clear, the program will involve some work.  We do tasks that help us change our lives, because if we are going to achieve something we want in life, we have to stretch ourselves, sometimes in ways that may feel new or uncomfortable.

12 weeks

We will have one online session per week, and between each meeting, you will be given exercises to work on that will help you initiate the small changes that eventually lead to bigger changes. Although it is you who does the work itself, it happens with a sense of flow.

Small & exclusive Group

The program is only open to a small group of 6 people, as I feel that we can have valuable, almost private meetings, while still being able to receive support from others in the group.

Hot Seat 

Hot Seat is when you are in focus. Each participant has the opportunity to sit in the "Hot Seat" - where you receive support and ideas on a challenge or problem you are facing.


We work with a number of practical exercises that generate immediate results and also allow members to get to know each other and become aware of each other's strengths. Since I focus on guiding and coaching the group, rather than just listening, the mastermind coaching sessions actually achieve change.


PDF with tasks for the next session. Between live sessions, you will receive exercises to try out - and at each Zoom session, we will spend about 15 minutes sharing our progress with these tasks.

Live sessions

We meet once a week on Wednesdays at 4:00-5:30 PM. Digital meetings via Zoom so you can log in no matter where you are.

Malin Hedlund

Internationally hired executive coach who loves to travel

Malin Hedlund is an internationally hired executive coach with over 25 years of experience in personal leadership development and physical training.

She lectures, coaches, and educates in personal development and mental/physical training to ensure that you become a stronger leader and have sustainable energy over time, so that you can handle all the things you love.

You can work with her online or in-person, in groups or 1:1.

You are the director of your own life and the actions (or none actions) you take will impact your life.

To have the opportunity to dedicate 12 weeks to your own personal development together with other women has been absolutely fantastic!

This is the best gift you can give yourself if you want to make a fresh start in some way.  To have Malin's excellent leadership and coaching to check in with once a week and just focus on your own development, while sharing your thoughts and challenges with others, has been so rewarding!  

The pace is comfortable, allowing for plenty of time for reflection and questions along the way. Malin, as a coach, is attentive and also generously shares her own journey and experiences throughout the program.  

This program is particularly suitable for those who have already been introduced to personal development, need a real fresh start, a reminder of what they need to do, and want to take the next step in their life.

Marie Thorslund
Business Area Manager,  - KIMM, Delägare - 4good

A program to start or continue a journey to reach your full potential.

A small reset of life and quality of life simply put. This is something that everyone should treat themselves to during different periods of life.

Jeanette Arvidsson
Tidigare VD, - Paradigm Brand Consultancy


5.800 kr

5.800 x 3 mån, SEK exkl moms 

  •  12 live sessions (online), 1,5 h
  • Hot Seat - Coaching
  • Exklusiv MasterMind Group
  • PDF:s with tasks 


15.000 kr 

Engångsbetalning, SEK exkl moms

  • 12 live sessions (online) 1,5 h
  • Hot Seat - Coaching
  • Exklusiv MasterMind Grupp
  • PDF:s with tasks